Libro – PASS Aptis General

Libro – PASS Aptis General
The Aptis General Exam has been developed by the British Council using the latest research inlanguage assessment.
The exam is accepted by governments and organisations in more than 85 countries.
How this book is structured
The first units are tips & techniques. Martin & other teachers explain the parts of the exam,how to answer the questions as well as give advice on grammar & vocabulary.
Then you have 3 FULL Aptis General tests! Good luck!At the end of the book you have all the answers & the tapescripts
We want you to PASS the Aptis General test!
Here at ULIC Centre we have always had one main mission. Provide the best service to our students so that they can achieve the ultimate goal. PASS their exam!
So make sure to check out your online platform for loads of extra exercises & materials.And most importantly, check out your 2 FREE CONVERSATION CLASSES you get with this book! Live online 25’ practice with Native English teachers! (max. 4 students)
Unit 3 Part 1 – Questions 1-12
Unit 3 Part 2 – Speakers A-D
Unit 3 Part 3
Unit 3 Part 4 – Monologues A & B
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Extra Material
Correcciones libro comprado antes del 1 de marzo de 2024
Saldos de clases de conversación
Categorias y fechas de clases
Prueba de nivel 1/2 - Test Online
(60 preguntas – aprox. 30 min de duración)
{{Math.round((questionIndex/quiz.questions.length)*100)}}% complete
{{ quiz.questions[questionIndex].text }}
Hemos recibido tu solicitud para realizar el test oral de forma telefónica, nos pondremos en contacto contigo para agendar día y hora, gracias
Hemos recibido los datos de la prueba escrita y el audio de la prueba oral, lo corregiremos y nos pondremos en contacto contigo, gracias
Prueba de nivel 2/2 - Test Online
Tu nivel escrito es: {{ resultado() }}
Prefiero que me llamen para la prueba oralGrabación de la prueba oral